Facebook 推出 Reason,力图推广 OCaml

2016-05-19 06:29:13 +08:00

A new developer experience for rapidly building fast, safe systems.

Reason is a new interface to OCaml - a highly expressive dialect of the ML language featuring type inference and static type checking.Reason provides a new syntax and toolchain for editing, building, and sharing code, and will evolve in the open as a community collaboration. Reason already has contributors across several organizations/companies.


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6 条回复
2016-05-19 06:59:59 +08:00
2016-05-19 07:00:54 +08:00
拭目以待 Facebook 的这次努力,可以吸引多少新人投入 OCaml 社区。

OCaml presents a strong research-driven (20 years) language base, pre-existing compilation to Javascript, a thriving ecosystem and a mature and growing community.

Reason builds on these existing strengths by supplying a syntax familiar to users of Javascript (and other web programming languages), a powerful editor toolchain and custom REPL.

Javascript is currently the most pervasive web programming language but can never fully capitalize on static typing in order to improve runtime performance.

Reason aims to utilize valuable features in OCaml and the package manager OPAM, adding support for popular editors (Merlin support for Atom) with the larger aim of creating a seamless build environment with multi-architectural and operating system support.

src: https://ocaml.io/w/Blog:News/A_new_Reason_for_OCaml
2016-05-19 07:51:09 +08:00

看眼这 gif 的 meta data 发现貌似是用 ezgif 用一张一张的 png 合成的 - -
2016-05-19 09:10:59 +08:00
《 ml 程序设计教程》买了就没翻过,抽空看看了
2016-05-19 11:29:40 +08:00
@ynyounuo 貌似是在 Facebook 工作的中国小伙子做的。
2016-05-19 11:34:15 +08:00
chenglou 做的这个 web 界面


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