Softlayer's apology

2016-04-01 10:51:41 +08:00
SoftLayer continuously analyses and evaluates the way in we deliver services to our customers in order to bring the best possible combination of performance and price in the market. In particular we have continued evaluating the connectivity services we provide from our data centers in Tokyo, Singapore, and Hong Kong into mainland China through Chinese providers and have continued to see that this service does not provide a good cost-benefit proposition for our customers given the current cost point of these connections. We have elected to discontinue the use of these direct circuits into mainland China effective immediately. We have begun moving traffic off these links from our Hong Kong, Singapore, and Tokyo locations which may result in some customers in those locations noticing increased latency due to the traffic shift away from the direct circuits into circuits provided by other local vendors in region. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and / or your customers.
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8 条回复
2016-04-01 10:51:58 +08:00
2016-04-01 12:08:00 +08:00
看来 SoftLayer 已经开始移除香港、新加坡和日本数据中心到中国的直连线路了。
2016-04-01 12:16:56 +08:00
2016-04-01 12:20:54 +08:00
2016-04-01 17:27:42 +08:00
刚入手 HostUS 。默哀__________
2016-04-01 17:28:12 +08:00

SoftLayer continuously analyses and evaluates the way in we deliver services to our customers in order to bring the best possible combination of performance and price in the market.
为了尽可能的平衡这个市场上服务的性能和价格, SL 对我们提供给客户的服务进行了持续的评估。

In particular we have continued evaluating the connectivity services we provide from our data centers in Tokyo, Singapore, and Hong Kong into mainland China through Chinese providers and have continued to see that this service does not provide a good cost-benefit proposition for our customers given the current cost point of these connections.

We have elected to discontinue the use of these direct circuits into mainland China effective immediately.

We have begun moving traffic off these links from our Hong Kong, Singapore, and Tokyo locations which may result in some customers in those locations noticing increased latency due to the traffic shift away from the direct circuits into circuits provided by other local vendors in region.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and / or your customers.
2016-04-01 19:27:21 +08:00
怪不得我现在要先去美国兜一圈才能抵达香港了 TAT
2016-04-04 13:22:21 +08:00

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