用户体验要好 最好能像锡安的操作界面[Matrix第三集 回锡安开大门时的操作系统]
可以自己添加新的结点 整理信息 添加标签
一个非线性 发散的知识管理系统
最好还能包括 海报,导演演员简介等文本信息
想做个以Matrix 为主线的app
http://artect.net/?p=784#more-784Infinite white spaces have proliferated as a basis for virtual realities, exemplified by the Matrix film trilogy. In the most iconic example, an armory session begins with gun racks rushing toward the screen. A visual demonstrated in the trailers that helped catapult the Matrix to box office success. One that inspired other works including the once oft-played commercial, AutoTrader Whoosh.
The aforementioned scene ultimately overshadowed a more intriguing infinite white space. In the Matrix Reloaded, six off-white clad individuals arranged in circular formation constitute Zion Control. It’s a utopic sight as they manipulate multi-touch HUD’s atop physically three dimensional wireframe visuals. A scaled blueprint replication of reality, stylized to match the aesthetically pleasant grayscale interface.
Here virtual reality offers superior interface control and data dissemination within a setting inherently soothing vs the real world’s violent clash of industrial equipment, electronics and grunge.
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