气死我了 Google Cloud 里面还有 1300 多刀 Google 把我计费账户关了

2016-02-15 13:57:15 +08:00

无缘无故计费账号被关闭 服务被暂停 里面还有 1300 多刀



I've fully investigated your case once more. I regret to inform you that your account will remain closed. The projects associated with this billing account 022B04-E71B39-F2D66D will remain suspended.

As per Google Cloud Platform Terms of Service (Section 7.1), Google may discontinue any Services or any portion or feature for any reason at any time without liability to Customer.

I will now close this case.

Kind regards,

Technical Support Representative
Google Cloud Platform Billing

为了应用先跑起来 我又开了个计费账户。我平均一个月消费大概 2000 刀 已经考虑撤离 Google Cloud 了

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41 条回复
2016-02-16 15:57:36 +08:00
@loudis adsense 随意关账户倒是有所耳闻

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