假设明天 Apple Pay 在国内正式开放,我今天刷 iOS 9.3 beta 会有影响吗?

2016-01-28 10:43:59 +08:00
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24 条回复
2016-01-29 01:39:49 +08:00
@ffffwh 都说了假设。
2016-01-29 04:33:14 +08:00
@Wowbeing 我不知道你是真的用过 Apple Pay 在美国商店里交过钱还是只是读过网上的报道, Apple Pay 刷卡额度较大的时候,很多店的 POS 机的确是要求签字的(在显示屏上用触控笔签不是签在小票上),之前在 Best Buy 买 iPad 的时候记得就签字了,超市如果买的比较多也要签字。这个触发机制和商家以及信用卡运营商的防盗刷监控有关系,并没有一条明确的分界线。

"Depending on the retailer, the card you ’ re using, and the value of your purchase, you might need to enter your PIN or provide a signature to complete the transaction."

来源: http://www.macworld.com/article/2834669/the-ultimate-guide-on-how-and-where-to-use-apple-pay.html

“ wondered about that, so I asked my own credit card issuers about their policies. What I found is that, in my two cases, 1) there is no fixed dollar amount that dictates when I have to sign and 2) there is a very sophisticated, tiered fraud prevention system, from the credit card corporate level, then down to the issuing bank, and finally the merchant that may dictate when I have to also sign.”

来源: http://www.imore.com/when-does-apple-pay-require-signature

2016-01-29 09:32:13 +08:00
你们讨论得我都不敢说话了 @~@
明明我只是想问 beta 版的固件是否会影响 Apple Pay 功能的开启……
2016-01-29 11:58:50 +08:00
@SilentDepth 不影响,我之前在 9.2 beta 版的时候也成功开启过 apple pay.

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