sujin190 根据网上的反应来看, OS X 的 kqueue 应该是跟 FreeBSD 的不太一样,记得当初看到的说法是 OS X 网络性能烂,但到底是不是因为 IO 复用部分的系统调用烂呢,这个我就不清楚了。
不过根据大家针对高级 IO 接口的比较来看, OS X 就没被比较过,看过的评测都是 BSD/kqueue, Linux/epoll, Windows/IOCP 。因此根据我的推断,应该是 OS X 的 kqueue 实现是残废的或者是它其他网络部分实现是残废的。
此处引用自 Tornado 的官方文档
http://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/index.htmlPlatforms: Tornado should run on any Unix-like platform, although for the best performance and scalability only Linux (with epoll) and BSD (with kqueue) are recommended for production deployment (even though Mac OS X is derived from BSD and supports kqueue, its networking performance is generally poor so it is recommended only for development use). Tornado will also run on Windows, although this configuration is not officially supported and is recommended only for development use.