Alpine Linux 3.3.0 released

2015-12-20 10:43:27 +08:00

Alpine Linux is a community developed operating system designed for x86 routers, firewalls, VPNs, VoIP boxes and servers. It was designed with security in mind; it has proactive security features like PaX and SSP that prevent security holes in the software to be exploited. The C library used is musl and the base tools are all in BusyBox. Those are normally found in embedded systems and are smaller than the tools found in GNU/Linux systems.

3153 次点击
所在节点    Linux
5 条回复
2015-12-20 11:08:21 +08:00
前两天正在折腾 3.2 来着,看来回去可以直接换新 ISO 了,反正还没装好_(:зゝ∠)_
2015-12-20 11:09:30 +08:00
docker 用这个比较多
2015-12-20 11:32:53 +08:00
更喜欢 LXC 的 Busybox 模板……
2015-12-20 18:39:20 +08:00
是比较折腾……貌似其 iso 不支持直接 dd 到 USB drive 再安装。所以我还费事了去刻了 LiveCD ,再 setup-bootable 就好了。

Ash shell 还不太熟。
2015-12-20 19:24:38 +08:00
@GNiux 咦,我之前在 vps 上都是直接 setup-alpine 装的,这两天是搞了个迷你 pc 来折腾着玩,用 rufus 直接搞到 usb 里面能启动起来不过卡在抓远程源那里(电信的锅),回去试试你说的方法_(:зゝ∠)_

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