Steam Controller + Steam Link*2 = $190.52 直邮,我快控制不住我的双手了。。

2015-12-10 12:30:01 +08:00

<amp-youtube data-videoid="mraRO_BNQG4" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270"></amp-youtube>

The Steam Link is a decent product that does more than people realize. On the surface it allows you to connect your PC to your TV over a wireless connection. It then connects to your TV via HDMI. Honestly there are other items that can do this and some of them go far beyond steam.

Valve recommends that you use one of their controllers or connect some hardware via the USB ports on this unit. That is where some people walk away from this product. First - there are people who really don't like the Steam controller. Second - why would I want to connect a wired product to this? The whole point is to connect your PC without wires.

Here is what Steam does not tell you:

1 - Most wireless keyboard / mouse units work just fine with the Link.
2 - Most bluetooth hardware works with the Link.

What does that mean?

Most of your wireless hardware will work with the Link, including...the PS4 controller.

Yes if you want to use a great controller that does not need dongle, you can get the PS4 controller up and running. To do it, use another wired or dongle item to navigate the Link menus to the Bluetooth options. Kick on the pairing. Hold the "Share" button on your PS4 controller until it shows up on your Link. Pick it on the Link. Done!

It works great. The only real functionality loss is the rumble feature. If that's a big deal then you might want to try a different solution.

Overall the Link does more than Valve lets on. You can use far more than Steam hardware or wired hardware with it.
9738 次点击
所在节点    Steam
68 条回复
2015-12-10 12:39:36 +08:00
2015-12-10 12:44:53 +08:00

游戏可以分为适合手柄玩的和适合键鼠玩的,Steam 为了照顾 PC 上大量的键鼠游戏,比如 DOTA2,弄出这么个不伦不类的东西,实际上,这个设计,玩手柄适合的游戏手感比不上 Xbox one 的手柄,玩键鼠类游戏,比如 DOTA2 纯属搞笑

SteamLink 即使你把 PC,电视,SteamLink,路由都摆在一起,尽量减少网络损耗,实际效果也就 30 帧,比拿根 HDMI 线直连电视差远了

这两个东西说白了,是 V 社在 PC 平台独孤求败时间长了,无聊进军客厅的试验性产物,我觉得没必要自掏腰包当小白鼠了,100 刀已经是 PS4 的三分之一了,作为普通玩家,主机+PC 才是王道
2015-12-10 12:45:14 +08:00
IGN 给 Steam 手柄的评价很差,但是 Steam Link 貌似还行~
2015-12-10 12:48:38 +08:00
2015-12-10 12:56:42 +08:00
@orange0422 内网 1Gbps 还不够么。。 30 帧这个有点坑。。
2015-12-10 12:56:53 +08:00
@bk201 主机贵。
2015-12-10 12:57:10 +08:00
@xatest 这样啊。我还以为那个手柄也很强大。。
2015-12-10 13:01:47 +08:00
@orange0422 ALL FIXED NOW 😄. Problem was that Nvidia shadow play is on by default. It interferes with the steam link. Once I had turned shadow play off and put the hardware video encoding / decoding option on under steam host / client setting, it was 1080p @ 60 fps all the way. Works great with minimal lag (hard to notice). Very happy with the steamlink now.
2015-12-10 13:03:16 +08:00
@DearTanker 手柄就是废物。大部分游戏玩着很别扭。
这是我一个资深游戏玩家盆友的评价。他买来之后试了一次,再也不想用了。有钱买这个不如 PS4 和 Xbox 手柄各买一个换着玩。
2015-12-10 13:06:59 +08:00
刚买了 nvidia shield
2015-12-10 13:09:52 +08:00
2015-12-10 13:09:56 +08:00
@MCVector 之前有看过,不过这个便宜。。
2015-12-10 13:10:36 +08:00
@wangtong868 有道理。。
2015-12-10 13:12:03 +08:00
Controler 的评价很低, Link 就是个串流装置,实在没有 HDMI 实用。
2015-12-10 13:29:31 +08:00
这两个我都买了, 我都非常满意. 而且我觉得这两个要一起买才好. 每个 10 刀的税最后只会收 5 刀左右. 但是你买 2 个 link 是什么鬼?

我 link 接有线 1080p 确实确实不能稳定 60 帧, 但是我觉得相当好. 我在上面玩各种游戏没感觉有什么延迟.
上面说买这个不如 ps 和 xbox 手柄各买一个的知道这些东西卖多少钱么?
有的人觉得玩 pc 游戏不如键鼠玩主机游戏不如 xbox. 我的需求刚好相反玩 pc 游戏比 xbox 好, 玩主机游戏比键鼠好. 这个手柄能让我坐沙发上玩各种策略游戏, 比任何手柄都来的值. 而且这手柄是有学习时间的, 玩了一个星期之后我就不再想用其他东西玩游戏了, 除了 rts 类的游戏只能用键鼠.
虽然你有乱喷的自由, 我真的希望各位评价一个东西之前先买到这个东西再说.
2015-12-10 13:35:07 +08:00
@yxz00 我那是 2 个手柄,不是 2 个 link
2015-12-10 13:37:27 +08:00
@yxz00 对了,有个疑问,这个 link 可以远程桌面么。比如我可以用键鼠玩 LOL 不。。
2015-12-10 13:37:47 +08:00
@echo1937 我电脑在楼上,电视在楼下
2015-12-10 13:40:56 +08:00
@DearTanker 那就买个主机,成本已经差不多了,键盘向的游戏上 PC 玩。

如果买 X1 ,串流功能还是相当于免费送。
2015-12-10 13:44:58 +08:00
@DearTanker 可以远程桌面. 我现在就用这个在电视机上看电影, 比电视盒子这禁那禁的好多了. LOL 理论上可以, 因为据说可以往 steam 里添加不是 steam 的游戏来玩, 但是这种类 rts 操作的游戏基本上都没法玩, 如果你平时都玩这类游戏那这手柄确实不适合你.

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