Linode 充多少送多少 (<=$25)

2015-11-28 00:28:07 +08:00
[官网](上写着新用户注册就送$25 ,然而没提老用户的事。

发 ticket 问客服,得到了充 25 送 25 的回复:
I'm sorry to say but the the promotion is only for new signups. However, I see that you've been with us for awhile, so I'm willing to offer a small personal promotional to you. :)

If you put down a $25 manual payment on your account, I will match it with a $25 of black friday credit!

黑五快乐 :)
1783 次点击
所在节点    VPS
21 条回复
2015-11-29 13:22:02 +08:00

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