
2015-11-15 15:06:11 +08:00
An unconfigurable software is not a free software

The NetworkManager in Ubuntu makes me annoyed. I guess here is right place to complain this issue.

It took me a whole evening to seek the configuration file for NetworkManager's dnsmasq (actually dnsmasq-base). The result was bad. Seems not a file for configuring 'dnsmasq', even though I created dnsmasq.conf in /etc .

The dnsmasq is not complete, being only dnsmas-base. What's worse is NetworkManager doesn't allow fully installed dnsmasq. See Ubuntu 's page:


Note that the package "dnsmasq" interferes with Network Manager which can use "dnsmasq-base" to provide DHCP services when sharing an internet connection. Therefore, if you use network manager (fine in simple set-ups only), then install dnsmasq-base, but not dnsmasq. If you have a more complicated set-up, uninstall network manager, use dnsmasq, or similar software (bind9, dhcpd, etc), and configure things by hand.

Are they conflicted? And why?

Thus I was looking for solution in NetworkManager. However there are very few places to configure NetworkManager except a few lines!!


This is what I want to argue,

An unconfigurable / unhackable software is not a free software.

It limits the use for end users. Don't tell me that I can modify the source code or something. The majority of users don't have the ability to manage the C language. Right?

I know NetworkManager is so convenient to setup wifi connection. And I know I can just change to an alternative.
But the thing is, it finally just constrained the freedom for users!!! And it just interferes too much to the availability of other softwares.
3965 次点击
所在节点    Linux
22 条回复
2015-11-16 17:31:55 +08:00
后来我发现我需要修正自己的论点,不讨论一个软件自由不自由了,而是说:一个无法配置的软件没有“尊重用户的自由”(respect your freedom)。

V2 检测有误 @Livid 。我用的是 WP :P
2015-11-17 21:24:12 +08:00
后来又琢磨,向 NM 这样的,对其他软件进行干涉(如限制其他软件的安装,或强制安装其他软件),都是在*限制用户的自主使用*。

这不就和 win 环境的各种流氓软件,一样了…… s***

所以问题来了,在类 UNIX 发行版中,到现在有没有哪一款,真正实现了 UNIX 的哲学: do one thing and do it well 。——不要干涉其他软件。

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