关于 Flask 输出 list 的问题

2015-09-17 22:13:33 +08:00

def query (key ):
results = searcher.find ("content", key )
for i in results:
tmp.append (i )
print (tmp )
print (type (tmp ))
#print (results )
return "".join (tmp )
请问这个代码为什么在控制台输出很正常 而在 flask 框架中输出不出来呢?

4392 次点击
所在节点    Python
1 条回复
2015-09-18 08:57:02 +08:00
A logging.Logger object for this application. The default configuration is to log to stderr if the application is in debug mode. This logger can be used to (surprise ) log messages. Here some examples:

app.logger.debug ('A value for debugging')
app.logger.warning ('A warning occurred (%d apples )', 42 )
app.logger.error ('An error occurred')

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