Alfred 的 workflow 询问

2015-09-07 09:41:15 +08:00

有没有一个 workflow 可以实现以下需求:输入关键字调用浏览器(chrome )的历史访问记录和书签

另外再问下:输入关键字显示 google 的搜索提示, baidu 的有了, google 的没找到


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5 条回复
2015-09-07 10:07:02 +08:00
自己建一条 workflow 就行了, Templates 选 open custom URL in specified browser ,然后 URL 填 chrome://history/或 chrome://bookmarks/, Browser 选 Chrome ,自己设一个触发的 keyword
2015-09-07 11:19:03 +08:00
实现过搜索 Chrome 书签的,要用到 AppleScript ,不知道现在能用 JavaScript 不能
就是调用 Chrome 的接口遍历一下书签文件夹,最终将符合条件的内容按 Alfred 的要求输出一下
下边是一部分 AppleScript ,参考一下吧:)

global rstXML

on run argv
set hdl to load script POSIX file (POSIX path of ((path to me as text ) & "::") & "handler.scpt")
global allBookmarks
set queryStr to argv as string
set allBookmarks to {}
set rstXML to "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><items>"

tell application "Google Chrome"
set folders to (every bookmark folder of application "Google Chrome")

repeat with folder in folders
set f to folder
hdl's dealFolder (f, allBookmarks, queryStr )
end repeat
set rstXML to rstXML & "</items>"
return rstXML
end tell
end run

on dealItem (itm, allBookmarks, queryStr )
tell application "Google Chrome"
set t to (title of itm ) as string
set t to my q_encode (t )
set u to (URL of itm ) as string
set u to my q_encode (u )
set end of allBookmarks to {ptitle:t, purl:u}
# if t contains queryStr then
set rstXML to rstXML & "<item uid=\"" & u & "\" arg=\"" & u & "\" valid=\"YES\" type=\"file\">
<title>" & t & "</title>
<subtitle>" & u & "</subtitle>
# end if
end tell
end dealItem

on dealFolder (curFld, allBookmarks, queryStr )
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell curFld
set itms to (every bookmark item )
repeat with itm in itms
my dealItem (itm, allBookmarks, queryStr )
end repeat

set flds to (every bookmark folder )
repeat with fld in flds
my dealFolder (fld, allBookmarks, queryStr )
end repeat
end tell
end tell
end dealFolder
2015-09-07 11:19:45 +08:00
2015-09-07 11:37:12 +08:00
@ynyounuo alfred 需要设置代理?
2015-09-07 12:45:24 +08:00

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