2015-08-28 13:54:17 +08:00
微信主要是用来 Connecting people ,我身边的熟人都用微信,在这种情况下,『朋友圈』这种私密社交就显得比较好玩,因为我可以知道我的朋友正在发生什么,所以目前为止,我还没有理由离开微信。
比微信做的好的 Chat/Social APP 多的是,但是社交的意义是圈子,如果我的朋友圈子都在用微信,那我自己一个人用 Telegram 就没有意义。微博做得那么渣渣我还天天刷呢,因为我技术圈的朋友都活跃在上面。
用微信的不需要用出优越感,不用微信的说明你也没必要强迫自己去用,你总会有自己圈子所属的社交介质,无论是微信, qq , telegram ,都不过是一种被动的选择而已。
曾经有篇 hackernews 上的文章叫『 When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China 』,下面有网友这样回复,我印象特别深:
> The beauty of WeChat is not it has tons of features, it's the tons of features are well hidden. As another user said, it's very natural to have used WeChat for quite some time and doesn't know all these existed. People always say it's not just a chat app, but if you use it just for chat then it's a pretty good one with good voice and video chat quality, supports group chat well and has a clean UI. All the other features are opt-in, hidden in several level of menus. There are no flashy confusing buttons, no daily reminder asking you to try some new feature, no distraction. For me and my friends who has long abandoned the bloated and flashy QQ for simple gtalk (before google got banned ), WeChat is a breath of fresh air.
本来不想说这么多,但是看过好多次 V2EX 上用不用微信这种讨论,忍不住就在这里说几句。我记得十几年前央视《对话》对话韩寒的时候,有个女观众问韩寒用 OICQ 还是聊天室,韩寒说聊天室,结果女观众说成熟的人都不用聊天室而是用 OCIQ 。十几年后的现在我们看着视频都在笑这位女观众,但是看来很多人都。。。