linode vps 被 dos 攻击 如何防御

2015-06-01 16:38:30 +08:00
We've identified an inbound Denial of Service (DoS) attack that is targeting an IP address assigned to your Linode (ip地址隐藏). As the attack was large enough to negatively impact our network and subsequently the service of other Linodes, we've null routed the IP address until the attack subsides.

Once the attack has subsided, the null route will be removed and connectivity to your Linode's IP address will be restored.


大家出以下主意 如何地域下一轮攻击。一攻击linode机房就给你拔网线
367 次点击
所在节点    VPS
1 条回复
2015-06-01 20:54:57 +08:00
上次日本机房ddos攻击 卡了有半小时.

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