下面是open tickets的内容。。
We have suspended your VPS due to information we have received indicating that your account is in violation of our Terms of Service/Acceptable Use Policies, the full text of which is available online at the following URLs for your convenience:
https://www.vultr.com/legal/tos.php AUP -
https://www.vultr.com/legal/use_policy.php SPAM -
https://www.vultr.com/legal/antispam_policy.php Please respond as soon as possible with as much detail as you can provide regarding the activity in question and what you intend to do to ensure it does not occur in the future. If the VPS in question is compromised, you may launch a new one at any time.
Instance destruction may occur if we have not heard from you within the next 18 hours.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you,
Greg O'Neill
Systems Administrator
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.