are you a shanghai freelance developer?

2015-03-20 19:13:03 +08:00

We are a foreign company looking for a Ruby freelance developer in Shanghai to help continue our feature buildout. Our websites are and www.英文家.com. Our budget is 18000 RMB for a 3 month time frame. You can work from home. Please contact us with a link to your portfolio if you are interested.

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2 条回复
2015-03-20 23:42:29 +08:00
Good luck finding one. I'm in Shanghai, Front-end and could-be translator, let me know if u guys need a facilitator of some sort, just want to help or involve to have some fun.

By the way, its really unnecessary to use a Chinese character domain, i understand you may just want to be more localized but it is just not catching on here in China, at least that's how i feel, only looks low and no one is gonna type Chinese in the bar, yet.
2015-03-25 09:03:23 +08:00
3 month full-time?

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