用netbeans选择 run in browser然后点运行,浏览器提示JavaFX application could not launch due to system configuration (show error details). See
java.com/javafx for troubleshooting information. 环境是mac safari,protocol是file://,file restrictions 也关闭了,不知道到底是什么样的system configuration阻止运行?
点击show error details只显示runtime error:
Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.8.0_31-b13 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
User home directory = /Users/Steven
c: clear console window
f: finalize objects on finalization queue
g: garbage collect
h: display this help message
l: dump classloader list
m: print memory usage
o: trigger logging
q: hide console
r: reload policy configuration
s: dump system and deployment properties
t: dump thread list
v: dump thread stack
x: clear classloader cache
0-5: set trace level to <n>
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