[上海] DiningCity 鼎食聚 诚聘: UED 全栈攻城师 (多图多福利~ 大牛迅速看过来~)

2015-01-30 16:55:37 +08:00

@你听说过餐厅周吗? http://www.restaurantweek.cn/lang/en

@你喜欢品评各色餐厅美食吗? http://www.diningcity.cn/zh/Shanghai

DiningCity出现了! DiningCity真的出现了! !

- 和论坛里最强的IT大牛做同事~
- 静安区法租界洋房办公,纯外籍老板,最理想的英语工作环境~
- 国家法定年假 + 超长公司带薪长假~
- 真正的弹性工作时间,不记迟到,不用加班,遇节假日提早收工~
- 餐厅周外滩高端餐厅免费&Party~
- 每逢周五举办Happy Hour,各种水果点心畅吃~
- 老板不定期亲自下厨为员工烹饪美食~
- 厨房里常年免费无限量的NESPRESSO 咖啡及整个冰箱的酒水饮料~
- 狗狗Pinot 常伴左右讨你喜欢~
- ……

1. 使用Javascript熟练、准确地进行代码构建,实现产品所需的动画效果以及交互效果
2. 使用HTML/CSS/XML熟练地进行页面维护
3. 了解所有常用浏览器,利用自己的经验有效地解决浏览器兼容问题
4. 使用smarty标记熟练、准确地进行模板构建与维护
5. 保持高效的前端性能
6. 与产品、页面制作人员保持良好沟通,能快速理解、消化各方需求,并落实为具体的开发工作
7. 了解服务器端的技术实施细节,有针对性的协助服务器端开发人员开展业务逻辑开发工作
8. 时刻保持对当前互联网的各种流行应用的了解,在交互体验、产品设计等方面有自己的见解,并在适当的时候表达自己的意见
9. 文档撰写,在前期期间设计交付:URL设计文档、公用模板数据描述文档、模板结构设计文档,在编码期间能撰写清晰明了的注
10. 严格遵守团队的代码格式、结构的规定,编写易读、易维护、高质量、高效率的代码
11. 具备良好的前端架构分析能力与设计能力,积极参与前期设计
12. 有较强的审美设计能力,熟悉网页制作流程,有良好的创意理念和页面版式规划能力,能很好的把握色彩与网页布局,熟悉用户体验;
13. 精通Photoshop、Flash、illustrator、Dreamweaver等网页设计工具;

- 发邮件E-mail: hr@diningcity.asia
- 发微信WeChat:DiningCityRecruiting
- QQ聊天:2831273259
- Skype聊天: HeidiY

@ 还在犹豫什么,不投怎么知道不行~

@ 机会总是要试的,万一就是你想要的呢~~

@ 怕现在跳槽拿不到年终奖吗?不怕~ 万事好商量~~ 你懂的~~~

About us

DiningCity中国为餐饮业提供创新的在线产品及服务,www.diningcity.cn和www.diningcity.hk 为顶级餐厅提供推广平台,并提供餐厅最新的活动及促销信息。
DiningCity Greater China brings innovative online products and services to the food and beverage industry.We operate listing websites on www.diningcity.cn and www.diningcity.hk offering restaurants a channel to promote themselves and list their latest events and promotions.

我们的旗舰活动---餐厅周,客人可以在为期一周的时间内享用我们客户提供的美食,酒店如半岛酒店,华尔道夫酒店,君悦酒店,香格里拉酒店,万豪酒店,独立餐厅如Mr & Mrs Bund,外滩三号,外滩22号,北京前门餐厅等。上一届餐厅周活动中,来自上海/北京/广州/香港的超过350家顶级餐厅和我们有非常愉快的合作。一周内我们收到来自 www.restaurantweek.cn和www.restaurantweek.hk 的超过45,000人的网站预订。
Our flagship event is RestaurantWeek, which is a week long event where people can try out full dinners at partner hotel restaurants such as the Peninsula, the Waldorf Astoria, Hyatt hotels, Shangri-la hotels, Marriott hotels, and stand-alone restaurants such as Mr & Mrs Bund, the restaurants at 3 On The Bund, Bund 22, and Capital M in Beijing. In the last edition we worked with over 350 high-end restaurants in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Hong Kong. We seated over 45.000 people in that week, all through our websites www.restaurantweek.cn and www.restaurantweek.hk.

Originally starting as a global website with head offices in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. DiningCity Greater China has recently become an independent company, responsible for its own infrastructure and systems.We are building a new generation of products that can connect high end restaurants and hotels with our >250.000 active users.Currently we are recruiting sales & IT teams. If you have a passion for internet and food and think you have what it takes, come and apply. You will be working with a team of international professionals with years of experience in hospitality and IT.

2939 次点击
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3 条回复
2015-02-02 11:25:46 +08:00
hello~~ 春节快到啦,给大家拜个早年哈~~
2015-02-02 11:29:16 +08:00
2015-02-25 12:06:21 +08:00

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