谁用过 escrowhill 这个域名中介?

2014-12-23 17:05:53 +08:00
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2014-12-23 18:43:45 +08:00
很久之前公司买域名用过,流程记不太清了,大概是生成域名转移提案, 你付款到escrow,对方push域名,成功后过一段时间会打钱到对方账号, 麻烦是麻烦一点,不过有保证,当时是按照和卖家用email联系,每一步都是卖家告诉怎么弄的..
2014-12-23 21:15:04 +08:00
1) Log in and accept the escrow transaction at Escrowhill.com, you'll be getting an email from them at this email address.
2) Next escrow will provide you with payment details, to send payment to them.
3) Once escrow secures payment they will instruct me to provide you the Domain's auth transfer code and I'll make sure the Domain is unlocked at it's current Register.
4) You take the auth code and provide it to Name.com and place a Domain transfer order with them.
5) Once the Domain is transferred from it's current Registrar to yours - Name.com you will then log back into Escrowhill and inform them you have the Domain and close out the transaction.
6) They will re-confirm with you that you have possession of the Domain and then and only then will they release the funds to this side. I then take my fixed commission and pass the rest onto the seller.

@willis 这是对方给我的步骤,大体明白,就是不知道怎么付款,还有他们有一个叫Transaction Fulfillment 的选择项,有Basic Premium Financed 三种,我不知道应该选哪个。我看Basic的fee是最低的,financed相当高,我购入的域名大概在2k左右,不知道应该选择哪个type,求教。
2014-12-23 21:16:23 +08:00
@willis 电汇我也不知道能不能私对公,我从来没电汇到国外去过。
2014-12-23 22:43:12 +08:00

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