聚*开放空间 Open Space

2014-11-20 14:03:31 +08:00
La Camomille as the commune for you and your creative mind. We are based deep within communities that enjoys perfect natural habitat and celebrates creativity, to allow creators from various industries to commune and relax.
We are now offering “Bird House”and “The Balcony” for private/commercial/non-commercial functions:Independent performances, commercial events, company anniversaries, photo-shooting, private parties, solo exhibitions, start-up salons and etc.
* Free for charity events, We charge moderately for events of other kinds.
For more information on, Please reach us on Wechat: LCCAFE .
小型演出, 商業活動, 公司年慶, 商業攝影, 私人派對, 個人展覽, 創業沙龍等… …
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