lenjeans 您什么时候给他们发的邮件?这么快就回复了啊!我中午发的,希望明天醒来能收到
Hi [name],
Thank you for providing me with your proof of enrollment, along with the translations! That was very helpful. Please use the link below to purchase.
https://store.xamarin.com/o/XXXXPlease validate that the correct price is being applied in your order summary before completing your purchase.
The link is good for one use and will expire in 30 days. Academic licenses should only be redeemed and used by you.
I should mention that the Academic licenses include the full rights to build and ship applications in public app stores; however, in order for us to provide this great price, our Academic license only provides community support from our forums at
forums.xamarin.com so we encourage you join in with the community there.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.