Portal 2 - The Final Hours

2011-05-18 06:26:49 +08:00

$1.99 O_o

Portal 2 - The Final Hours is a digital book that takes you deep within the top-secret offices of Valve for an unvarnished look at the creative process behind Portal 2.

About the Digital Book
The Final Hour of Portal 2 takes you deep within the top-secret offices of Valve for an unvarnished look at the creative process behind the new video game Portal 2. Journalist Geoff Keighley was granted unprecedented “fly on the wall” access to Valve to create this staggering 15,000 word multimedia experience. From the hush-hush Portal prequel that was shelved to the last minute scramble to complete the game’s story, The Final Hours of Portal 2 is a gripping and dramatic story brought to life by exclusive photos, videos, interviews, interactive experiences, and other surprises.
11473 次点击
所在节点   Portal series
1 条回复
2011-09-12 23:23:43 +08:00
昨天终于入了 Portal 2,果然是神作。


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