Find a different platform.

2014-08-04 14:51:33 +08:00
I am a programmer. I mainly develop Java Web Projects. But not confined to it.
Python is my scripting language, while my favorite is Golang.

I have developed two android apps and one iOS app. That's my little hobby.
As all the people can see, the mobile apps development is the trend, so I have
to get a knowledge of this field.

I have worked for a small company providing the air-ticket searching API for a large sum of travel agencies for one year as a java developer.
The following three years has seen my growth in both developing skills as well as communication skills in a big company aiming to provide
the milk production and packaging solutions. I act as a software engineer developing the information systems like MES that have been deployed
in many milk plants in China.

Now, I want to experience a different life style and hope to find a platform in cloud storage, E-commerce and the new-emerging areas.

If someone have any interest in me, you can contact me via email:

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7 条回复
2014-08-04 15:14:54 +08:00
这写作手法…… 有点太典型了……
2014-08-04 19:08:40 +08:00
逮住一个go home团大牛。哈哈😄
2014-08-04 20:15:24 +08:00
@baocaixiong 运营惨淡。
2014-08-05 03:47:07 +08:00
2014-08-05 15:42:26 +08:00
2014-08-05 15:46:04 +08:00
@pybog 慧眼。
2014-08-05 17:03:24 +08:00
people can get to know your soft skills via interviews. There you have chance to show your communication skill, personalities etc. However by reading a Resume, particularly for IT-Tech/programmer positions, people would expect to see some "real stuff" instead of read buzz words. E.g. Do you code with great passion? How good your java/python/golang/... skills? A good way leading people there could be, put your github (or something like that) link, stackoverflow link, contributions to opensource world... in your resume.

my 2 cents.

Good luck.

(I am not a HR guy).

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