DO SFO1 的 IP 连不上了……

2014-07-24 11:26:51 +08:00
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5 条回复
2014-07-24 12:42:31 +08:00
2014-07-24 12:56:46 +08:00
@fzss DO的support回复说安排工程湿查看是哪里路由出了问题。我现在traceroute,发现已经是断在国内,感觉真是被GFW干掉了。
2014-07-25 00:32:49 +08:00
收到一封DigitalOcean 的邮件:

Hi there,

We have identified a problem that is causing inconsistent networking performance to droplets running on a small percentage of our hypervisors. In order to resolve this problem and return latency to normal levels, we must apply some software patches which require a reboot of the physical server that these droplets reside on. Unfortunately, this requires downtime for droplets on the affected hardware while the system is rebooting and droplets are being restarted. We anticipate this maintenance to less than one hour, but it may vary depending on the conditions on each hypervisor.

This maintenance is scheduled to begin at 2100 Pacific time on July 24, 2014.

We understand that you may be running services which are mission critical, and we're sorry for the disruption this causes you.

Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions and we'll do our best to make this process as simple as possible.

Thank you,
DigitalOcean Support
2014-07-25 13:50:35 +08:00
@rwzsycwan 我没有收到这个。和DO的support来回讨论了几次,基本上肯定是我的IP被墙了,因为除了国内IP,其他任何地方都ping得通。而且DO不给换IP,只好snapshot重建。
2014-08-06 23:04:12 +08:00
记得先开新机器 不然还是原来IP

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