英特尔科技嘉年华 线上论坛 邀您参加

2014-07-08 11:28:52 +08:00
daisyyang  daisyyang
Hello Everyone,

We invite you to participate in Intel China’s Technology Carnival (Virtual Event) on July 24th from 19:30-22:00 (China Time)

This will be your chance to come ask us anything about Intel China, what we’re working on, our lives here & if you’d like to explore engineering opportunities available for domain experts like you!

We will have many senior managers and engineers available for you to have direct access to and ask your questions.

Register NOW! https://intelvs.on24.com/vshow/ChinaHR14/registration/6555

And win big prizes. Find out more about the event here


Looking forward to meeting you at the virtual event.

About Intel China

Intel China has the best technology centers in the world including design centers, technology labs, state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, and sales and marketing operations. Innovation is in our DNA and today we're pushing it further and faster than ever before. Is that the kind of work that inspires you? Look Inside.™

Best Regards,
Intel China Team
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