DevOps [20-25K] [远程] work life balance 外企

33 天前

新增一个 DevOps 岗位,可以远程,work life balance


目前中国团队没有运维,所以需要遇到些运维问题需要一个 DevOps Engineer 来解决,初步看下来不会有太花里胡哨的操作,简历最好写上 help desk 经验

加 V 内推:Ace151314


The platform

Our in-house platform is built on Ruby on Rails stack with PostgreSQL database. We are building the uber-like platform for manufacturing, deploying updates almost every working day, so there is a lot of interesting work to be done. Xometry’s platform and corporate functions utilize multiple cloud service providers. The ideal candidate would be well versed in cloud technologies, including IaaS,PaaS, SaaS, hybrid, and multi-cloud.

Successful candidate has

● 3+ years of experience as DevOps&IT support engineer.

● Basic Linux infrastructure skills: ability to connect to a server via ssh, view vital metrics and logs on the
server, edit configuration files and restart related system-based services and docker containers if necessary.

● Basic skills in working with cloud providers (AWS, GCE, Azure, Tencent, etc.) will be a big plus.

● Ability to work with git: read file change history, edit text files with ACLs managed via GitOps, make a pull-request with proposed changes.

● Basic knowledge of Chinese IT law specifications: things like ICP licenses, or at least the ability and willingness to study related official documents.

● Chinese language skills to communicate with the team on site (for non-Chinese candidates).

● Proficiency in English for communication with EU and US based IT teams.

● Experience installing and customizing MacOS

● Ability to diagnose a problem remotely.

● Experience with MS Azure and Google for Business will be a plus.

● Willingness to document your work. (Writing instructions for the team or users)
Work conditions

● English and Chinese speaking tech team in the Chinese branch of a large international company.

● A developing startup (65 people in China) inside the world market leader (~1000 people in total).

● Full-time position.

● Salary is negotiable with each candidate.
3020 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
12 条回复
33 天前
有后端 Java 岗位么,大哥,可以全英文交流
33 天前
33 天前
可惜要 3+ yoe ,其他的都还算符合条件
33 天前
我除了英语有点拉跨,其他条件都符合😂😂😂。目前在华为云做 CDN SRE ,从物理层的接网线,到应用层的 nginx 都比较熟悉
33 天前
@SkyOfWood 华为云薪资 25k 不到?
33 天前
@superchijinpeng 家庭因素,BAES 从成都转贵阳后,砍了一半🤷‍♂️,福利也没有在成都那么好
33 天前
不过最近朋友叫我去新加坡搞 CN2 ,目前还在和家里商量
33 天前
33 天前
32 天前
@SkyOfWood baes 那我觉得砍的还不够狠
31 天前
@peaSh00ter 就没招到
27 天前
@jojochan1013 这签合同,交保险么?

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