#CARDZOOO #YearoftheSnakeWithYou
As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, CARDZOOO proudly presents 16 exclusive customized video greeting cards for the Year of the Snake!
✨ Features:
Customizable text to add your personal blessings.
Photo upload for a truly personalized design.
Share easily via email, WeChat, or any app of your choice.
Each card is only $0.99 USD!
🎉 Special Offer:
The first 10 customers can use promo code V2EX to get a card for FREE! Don’t wait—grab yours now!
Let your New Year greetings stand out and become the highlight among family and friends!
👉 Start customizing now:
#CARDZOOO #蛇年新春与你相伴
辞旧迎新之际,CARDZOOO 倾情推出 16 款独家定制视频蛇年拜年贺卡!
支持邮件,微信,各种 APP 发送
每张仅需 0.99 USD !
前 10 名更可使用优惠码 V2EX 免费领取,心动不如行动!
立即定制: https://cardzooo.com/custom-cny-card/
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.