最近一直在做 iOS 的上架的事情,现在审核遇到一些问题。
先说下我们 app 的背景,app 是需要登录的,后台服务域名是.gov.cn ,目前也只有大陆能访问,审核备注也明确告知需要开回国 VPN 访问审核。销售区域设置仅在中国大陆。
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
We were unable to access all parts of the app due to geographical or internet protocol (IP) address restrictions.
All apps submitted for review, including those with geographical or IP restrictions, must provide full access to the app's features and functionality to allow for a complete review.
1 、目前几次拒绝的截图都是登录失败提示的截图,这让我怀疑审核放没有开 VPN ,然后访问不了,截图 iPad 和 iPhone 状态栏都没看到 VPN 字样,iPad 状态栏很长,应该不会隐藏 VPN 标识吧,所以我怀疑审核团队一直没有登录成功过?
xxx 昨天上午 5:21
您好 您目前使用我们提供的账号,使用 VPN 后不能登录成功吗?
xxx 昨天下午 2:45
你好,是不是因为 app 访问服务的域名是 gov.cn ,访问政务网站你们是不是要开特殊的的 VPN ?
App 审核今天上午 12:27
Thank you for your reply. Note that all apps submitted for review, including those with geographical or IP restrictions, must provide full access to the app's features and functionality to allow for a complete review.
To start, please see Testing a Release Build, which gives an overview of how to test your app to minimize the chances of issues occurring during review.
You may also want to review Designing for Real-World Networks, as all apps are reviewed on-device and in an environment that replicates real-world use of your app.
We hope that the above is useful in your revision process, and we look forward to reviewing your revised and resubmitted app.
Best regards,
App Review
2 、app due to geographical
之前也怀疑过 app 提供一些基于定位,给用户显示最近的办事机构,但是定位超出我们的服务范围应该就有展示问题(这是个 bug ),后面针对这个改了一版,提交还是说有问题,还是说这个 2.1 。
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