是否有 设计图 ai ?

65 天前

目前市面常见有绘画 ai,水平也很高了,对应网页设计稿是否有合适的 ai 可用?提交对应素材或者文本生成?

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65 天前
Figma AI 的 First Draft

1. <amp-youtube data-videoid="qJoGFDHjLSE" layout="responsive" width="480" height="270"></amp-youtube>Right now I think this tool is strong in UI design, but it sucks in UX design.
It is amazing at making everything look polished.
It is amazing at aligning the elements.
However it thinks in screens,
it doesn't thinks in flows.
If you ask it to make something,
it also only provides a mobile screen, not a desktop one.
And since it creates everything in high fidelity and auto layout, it actually becomes really difficult to edit if you want to make a lot of changes.
So this is how I suggest you to use this.
Use this as UI inspiration for each page of your design.
However, I do not suggest using this when you don't have a clear flow in mind for your product's happy path.

2. https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/23955143044247-Use-First-Draft-with-Figma-AI
64 天前

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