请教各位大佬,19 年买的 mbp,插上转接线外接屏幕时会黑屏,怎么回事?

46 天前

mbp 充满电的情况下,有时候连接转接线,会出现 mbp 黑屏的情况,这种情况下,插上电源线又好了 间接性出现这种问题,请教各位大佬有没有解决方案?

839 次点击
所在节点    Apple
3 条回复
46 天前
46 天前
19 款的 mbp 还用的是 5500M 独立显卡,外接显示器必须使用独立显卡(基于个人折腾经验),只用集成显卡没办法外接屏幕,你可以通过命令行开关是否使用独立显卡

# Always use the integrated graphics card while running on battery power
sudo pmset -b gpuswitch 0

# Always use the discrete graphics card while running on battery power
sudo pmset -b gpuswitch 1

# Switch between discrete and integrated graphics cards automatically while running on battery power
sudo pmset -b gpuswitch 2

The -a, -b, -c, -u flags determine whether the settings apply to battery ( -b ), charger (wall power) ( -c ), UPS ( -u ) or all ( -a ).
46 天前
@Newass @davidfly 感谢哥

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