Cryptape 远程职位招聘: Blockchain/Rust Software Engineer

100 天前

About Cryptape

Cryptape is a leading company dedicated to advancing blockchain technology, focused on the development of the Nervos CKB and key technologies within its ecosystem. We firmly believe in the power of decentralization and drive global blockchain industry growth through continuous technological innovation. We are looking for passionate individuals eager to grow in blockchain technology to join our core team and explore the challenges within the Nervos CKB ecosystem.

Job Description

As a CKB Apprentice, you will join our core team and directly participate in the core technology development and optimization of the Nervos CKB (Common Knowledge Base) . Through our training and apprentice program, you will receive in-depth training in blockchain core technologies, smart contract development, and related fields. You will work under the guidance of senior developers, participating in real-world projects and problem-solving tasks. You will have the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of blockchain protocol operations and accumulate valuable technical experience.

Key Responsibilities


Preferred Qualifications

What We Offer

How to Apply

If you are passionate about blockchain technology and eager to grow in the development of the Nervos CKB, please send your resume and a cover letter to, briefly introducing your interests and background.

1627 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
6 条回复
100 天前
98 天前
@shylockhg 首先不在国内,另外我们主要是做技术基础设施研发。
98 天前
@juliehuang1005 密猿不在杭州么
95 天前
95 天前
79 天前
@some2 ⛽️感谢

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