Due to limited resource availability we are currently unable to process upgrades in our Tokyo data center. Our ETA for having them available is approximately 3 weeks. If you do not want to wait, you could create a new Linode in the Tokyo datacenter, which will be on the new hardware with all the upgrades, and copy your hard disks from the old Linode over to the new. If you are unsure of how to do this, we have a detailed guide in our Linode Library located here:
https://library.linode.com/migration/ssh-copyI can understand how the number of CPU's dropping from 8 to 2 may seem like it would degrade performance, but I assure you that this is in face an upgrade. The new CPU's are much more powerful than the previous ones, and with the addition of SSD drives your CPU cores spend significantly less time processing I/O requests, improving overall performance.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you!
Ryan Arlan