
108 天前

可以理解为之前火过的推特赛博算命师,不过这个需要手动写 prompt

用的框架是 playwright + Chromium

对于一些特别的推文可能会报错,有些 buggy ,还请各位指出来

半自动 - 需要手动登陆一次

好处是可以爬 api 爬不了的私人贴子,并且不需要钱

openai 没有 key 可以 去 https://github.com/chatanywhere/GPT_API_free 领一个

项目地址: https://github.com/kaixinol/offline-twitter-cyber-fortune-teller-py

Have you logged in to X (Twitter)? [y/n] (y): 
What's your username?(e.g. @jack or jack): jack
+ Based on the user's username, joining time, and low follower count, it appears to be the actual Twitter account of Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and former CEO of Twitter. The user activity suggests a strong interest in philanthropy and social impact, particularly focused on COVID-19 relief, girls' health and education, universal basic income (UBI), and transparency in donations. This individual also engages with a diverse range of tweets, including those related to technology, AI, and privacy. Additionally, retweeting content that supports free and open-source software and promotes philanthropic efforts further highlights Jack Dorsey's interests and values.
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108 天前

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