http://pastebin.com/74KXCaEZ就是前面闹得很凶的ssl证书盗签事件 不过这次貌似伊朗黑客当了冤大头了 有人不信 所以这位黑客贴出了TrustDll.dll的反编译结果
http://pastebin.com/DBDqm6Km这不是一次有组织的攻击 不过确实是一次精心策划的攻击 攻击者也不是一群人 而是一个人
这位黑客挺有趣 从文中我们知道即使是gmail 也是不安全的 gov想看 那它就能看
“When USA and Isrel can read my emails in Yahoo, Hotmail, Skype, Gmail, etc. without any simple
little problem, when they can spy using Echelon, I can do anything I can. It's a simple rule.”
“I see some people suggests using VPNs, some people suggests TOR, some other suggests UltraSurf, etc. Are you sure you are safe using those? RSA 2048 was not able to resist in front of me, do you think UltraSurf can?”
well 想起安全圈里的一句话“没有绝对的安全...”
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