寻靠谱团队开发移动应用 | Looking for a reliable team to develop mobile applications

244 天前

A foreign friend has asked me to help assess the cost of developing a small mobile app project.

We are looking for individuals or teams with experience in developing functions similar to those found in Couchsurfing, Tinder, and social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, XiaoHongShu, and Dianping.

You and/or your team must be able to communicate in English. Preferably, we are looking for someone who can work on this full-time.

We are also open to partnering with mobile app service companies and professionals. Please provide quotes for developing the app for iOS, Android, and both platforms.

2247 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
10 条回复
244 天前
I am an experienced Android developer.If you need a part-time Android developer, you can contact me.
244 天前
I am very interested in this project. Our team meets the requirements you mentioned. Can we communicate in detail? My WeChat account: lufeng-arya
243 天前
No prob.
please contact vx MzM0ODI4OTg=
email a2FpeGluMTEwQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ==
243 天前
I am an experienced full-stack developer, and I also have experience working with an American team, developed a social media app called Crushes. You can contact me via email: razor1895@gmail.com
243 天前
你好,我们这边有现成产品。联系我给你进行演示 wx lcs220129 tg @liuxiao66661
243 天前
@kollq 根据你得描述 类似于 Couchsurfing 、Tinder 以及 Instagram 、TikTok 、小红书和大众点评 。这样没法确认具体的需求。具体沟通需求之后我会给你一个详细的报价,
243 天前
I am an experienced Android, iOS, Flutter, mobile web developer for ten years. Please contact me.
242 天前
@HolmesYe123 留个联系方式?
242 天前
@TArysiyehua 留个联系方式?
242 天前
@WeberXie 绿色:SG9sbWVzeWUyMzMzMw==

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