[Remote]Back-end Engineer

288 天前

Apus Network ( https://www.apus.network) is trustless GPU network is designed for secure, efficient, and scalable AI inference, provides necessary computing power for AI. Our team is comprised of serial entrepreneurs and investors, and former employees of Microsoft, Alibaba, and Didi.

Job Responsibilities

Skills Required

Personal Qualities

Working Mode

How to Apply

Want to join our mission to help shape the future of the DePIN + AI field?

** jason#apus.network ** is an email address, replace # with @.

2902 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
4 条回复
288 天前
Urgent 🔥🔥🔥!!!
287 天前
how much
287 天前
no price no urgent
280 天前
rust js go python 全都要求 这个岗位要干多少活我都不敢想

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