搭建自托管 IPFS Gateway 网关服务,替代 Cloudflare IPFS Gateway 服务

266 天前


All traffic using the cloudflare-ipfs.com or cf-ipfs.com hostname(s) will continue to work without interruption and be redirected to ipfs.io or dweb.link until August 14th, 2024, at which time the Cloudflare hostnames will no longer connect to IPFS and all users must switch the hostname they use to ipfs.io or dweb.link to ensure no service interruption takes place. If you are using either of the Cloudflare hostnames, please be sure to switch to one of the new ones as soon as possible ahead of the transition date to avoid any service interruptions!

Cloudflare IPFS Gateway 服务即将下线,之前搞的IPFS 镜像博客没法用了。

查找一番资料后,发现可以通过 Nginx 反向代理到本地 IPFS 网关实现切换。



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266 天前
其实 ipfs 自己架设网关的话,还不如直接做成 http 服务了
266 天前
自己 host 一个节点, 文件上传到自己的节点,然后,用公共网关提供服务。 这样文件至少有两份,还避免风险。

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