前情提要:做了个 OpenAI 接口转发站
https://tanronggui.xyz/t/1024156昨天发现我的 GitHub OAuth App 被封禁了,发工单之后得到如下答复
> We understand that, as part of your service, new users are prompted to connect to your service via OAuth from their GitHub account. Unfortunately, there has been widespread abuse of this functionality, leading to the creation of numerous fraudulent accounts and an undue burden being placed upon several GitHub teams. Such activities violate the GitHub Terms of Service, specifically the ….
> 翻译:
我们了解作为您服务的一部分,新用户被提示通过他们的 GitHub 账户使用 OAuth 连接到您的服务。不幸的是,这一功能被广泛滥用,导致大量欺诈账户的创建以及给 GitHub 几个团队带来不必要的负担。这些活动违反了 GitHub 服务条款....
把数据写到 Neo4j 里,发现还有接龙邀请的,甚至这个人还跑过来 问我怎么回事……更厉害的是他每个号都生成了一个令牌,每个令牌的请求都挺均匀的,让人不禁联想可能是隔壁谁来白嫖我了😮💨
确实不能错怪 GitHub ,他们封的有道理,只是我低估了人性的恶……😂
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