
2014-02-24 10:58:29 +08:00
Software Engineer in Test

Leading software enterprise in the world
Software Engineer in Test

One of the world’s leading software platform providers is looking for talented Software Engineers in Test. The company has operations in more than 20 countries with more than 3,000 employees. It is currently serving millions of business users at 4,000 companies across 20 industries around the world.

In this role, you will be participating in the design of new functionality for different products. You will also need to participate in the analysis and resolution of issues. Working with our talented engineering teams in China and abroad, you will design, implement and optimize test automation framework and tool. In addition, you will also be conducting researches in testing areas as well as customer group to gather required knowledge and information.

The ideal candidate should have at least a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from a top university (211 or 985 program) with excellent academic performance. You have to be a careful, details-oriented person with rich experience and knowledge in one or more of the following IT areas: Software Testing, Programming language such as Java, C#/.NET, C++, Objective-C, Python, Perl, Ruby, SQL and NoSQL databases; system administration (Unix, Windows, MacOS), Mobile technologies such as Android and iOS; Web Technologies(HTML5, Ajax, PHP, Spring, SOAP or REST). Strong analytical skills, problem solving skills and communication skills would also be required.

If you are interested in the position, please feel free to contact Will Wang for more information at will.wang@hays.cn or call 010-5765 2688
3550 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
9 条回复
2014-02-24 11:42:13 +08:00
现在怎么都喜欢刷屏 @Livid
2014-02-24 11:58:04 +08:00
2014-02-24 12:02:13 +08:00
2014-02-24 12:18:22 +08:00
@hayswill 想象一下这是一个您无比热爱的社区,但是天天被刷屏,您什么感觉?这些东西分明可以放在一个贴子里的啊。
2014-02-24 12:24:04 +08:00
2014-02-24 12:53:03 +08:00
@sethverlo 感谢您的意见,以后我和我的同事都会注意。

@venglide 抱歉,猎头公司的职位不能透露公司具体信息,有兴趣的可以个人联系。地点的话这几个职位可能北京和杭州都会有,所以我就没写。 待遇的话,是根据经历和现在的工资水平来进行商议的,没有定值。
2014-02-24 12:55:45 +08:00
• 原则上这里不欢迎猎头发帖,除非是懂技术的猎头
2014-02-24 23:15:22 +08:00
2014-02-27 17:58:54 +08:00
@sunsongxp 您好,可能您读得太快了,那里说的是对以下诸多技术中通晓一项或多项,此部分摘自原始JD。Hays的中国和外国籍猎头大部分是行业专家,IT组猎头部分本身就是Engineering背景,希望您以后可以继续信赖Hays猎头,谢谢!

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